Found lots to like on the internet this week, despite a demanding writing/social life/Sims schedule and an allergic reaction to something currently mysterious that wiped out most of yesterday. Bleurgh. Probably not a reaction to Kindles, chocolate, laptops or Twitter, though, so I’ll soldier on.
I read this post by Trent Jamieson, that kinda made me tingle –
Devour the world…Write what you don’t know…Dream that you can write the best stories and that, even when people tell you you can’t, you do, because you dreamt them.
Read it in full here.
Kristin Cashore wrote honestly, and helpfully, about writers block here, which basically says that writing is hard and when the going is tough it doesn’t mean you’re blocked, it mean’s you’re working. Which is good to hear cos it means she’s got the right sensibility to finish Bitterblue – Graceling gave me shivers.
I’ve finished the punk cookies I mentioned last time (and made a second batch), now I want me some Star Wars food. Click the image to read the Instructable.
And finally, I’m aware that I will alienate some readers here, but others of you are going to LOVE me for this – a photo of a wet-shirted Nicholas Brendon. Yes. Ahem. I was always Angel’s girl, but I might go back and re-watch with new, invigorating intentions. Click the image for more wet photos (no, not a phrase I thought I’d ever type). (Psst, if you like this you might also like this)

He's wet but he looks happy, right?